Coventry Building Society

Coventry Building Society

General informations

NameCoventry Building Society
Head officeEconomic House, PO Box 9, High Street, Coventry CV1 5QN
Helpline0800 121 8899
Online banking
Coventry Building Society - banking entity with the SWIFT/BIC code COBSGB21XXX. Coventry Building Society registered head office Coventry Building Society: Economic House, PO Box 9, High Street, Coventry CV1 5QN. If you need to contact Coventry Building Society, Coventry Building Society customer service phone number is 0800 121 8899 and you can also contact via email [email protected].
General informations - Coventry Building Society

Frequently asked Questions

What is the SWIFT code for Coventry Building Society UK?

The BIC/SWIFT code Coventry Building Society is ➡ COBSGB21XXX which includes information on the Coventry Building Society entity, the country of the United Kingdom. To identify the Coventry Building Society for a transfer you have to use the BIC number COBSGB21XXX.

What is the customer service telephone number for the Coventry Building Society?

Customer service ☎ of Coventry Building Society available by phone 0800 121 8899.

Where is Coventry Building Society head office?

Coventry Building Society Head office: Economic House, PO Box 9, High Street, Coventry CV1 5QN.

How do I log in to Coventry Building Society online banking?

To access Coventry Building Society online banking you have to open and fill in your login data.

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