The Co-operative Bank

The Co-operative Bank

General informations

NameThe Co-operative Bank
Head officeP.O. Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP
Helpline+44(0)3457 212 212
Online banking
The Co-operative Bank - banking entity with the SWIFT/BIC code CPBKGB22XXX. The Co-operative Bank registered head office The Co-operative Bank: P.O. Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP. If you need to contact The Co-operative Bank, The Co-operative Bank customer service phone number is +44(0)3457 212 212 and you can also contact via email [email protected].
General informations - The Co-operative Bank

Frequently asked Questions

What is the SWIFT code for The Co-operative Bank UK?

The BIC/SWIFT code The Co-operative Bank is ➡ CPBKGB22XXX which includes information on the The Co-operative Bank entity, the country of the United Kingdom. To identify the The Co-operative Bank for a transfer you have to use the BIC number CPBKGB22XXX.

What is the customer service telephone number for the The Co-operative Bank?

Customer service ☎ of The Co-operative Bank available by phone +44(0)3457 212 212.

Where is The Co-operative Bank head office?

The Co-operative Bank Head office: P.O. Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP.

How do I log in to The Co-operative Bank online banking?

To access The Co-operative Bank online banking you have to open and fill in your login data.

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